things are great.
and an update on baby boy...
only 9 weeks left.
give or take i guess.
i am so excited, nervous,
overwhelmed, happy, curious...
i would like to get everything taken
care of before he comes..
things with soel all organized.
the room done...crib bought, etc.
do i need a bouncer and a swing?
one better to have then the other?
jon bounces his legs a lot- maybe that'll work.
also cute crib, or pretty cute cheap crib.

does it really matter?
i can't believe there are only nine more weeks. I can't wait to hold your little baby until mine comes! I like both these cribs, they are darling.
Holy Cow you are almost official! That is crazy. I would say for sure get a bouncer, that is a must have. Max didn't like the swing but I always wished he did. It would be so nice to stick them in it to get stuff done or to calm them down. A lot of babies love the swing. You should just borrow one from someone and see if your baby even likes it. P.S. I tagged you. Look on my blog for the details.
if you're still debating the swing or bouncer thing, i'd wait till the little guy comes and try out some friend's stuff first. some babies are picky and only want to swing in a certain direction (side to side vs. front to back) or dont' like to swing at all and would rather bounce. some don't like either. it would suck to spend the money and him hate them. nash hated his swing and loved his jumparoo once he could hold his head up. cute cribs...
and as for the crib thing-does it really matter? here's my opinion-there are some dang cute SUPER expensive cribs out there (like the oeuf), but it's so not worth it. most babies bite their cribs, scratch their cribs, throw things at and in their cribs and ruin them. get one you like that's reasonably priced. i wasn't in love with the one i got (there are a lot more options now-two years later-than when i bought mine) but it works with the room and it still looks great. plus-they'll only be sleeping in it for roughly two years. if you plan on having more kids, quality comes into play if you plan on reusing it. also, in terms of bedding and stuff-i bought stuff that wasn't super babyish (denyse schmidt "pretty little squares") so that i can keep the same color scheme through his toddler/kid years and just rework the peices. it's working out fabulously. so for bedding it's worth it to spend a little more.
i'm not a stalker, i promise! also thought i'd mention that wal-mart (weird, right?) actually carries some way cute babymod cribs that are pretty cheap. there's a great simple white one and some two-tones ones that i wish would have been out sooner.
Shelby, hi this is Kass. Congrats on the babe. That is so exciting. It's the best thing in the world. We are meeting Lee and Ginger in Vegas on Feb 21st I am so excited to see them. It will be a blast. Anyway, good luck with the baby. I hope everything goes well. I vote on the cute but cheap crib. But that's just me :)
Also, I loved the swing for the first months then the bouncer is a must. Bridget loved her swing and it was a lifesaver now she rocks the bouncer and Dayne entertains her while she bounces. Whatever you can borrow is great that way you don't have to store it b/c you only use stuff for such a short time. What are you naming him?
thanks for all your advice... it's hard because you just don't know. i was thinking of waiting to see how his personality is...but i also wanted to be prepared.
as far as a name...i think we want to see his little face first...
Shelby I cant believe how soon till your little guy comes!! Im SO jealous i wish i only had a month or so left!! Good luck with everything!!
Shelby hey it's Jaime Jolley.. I saw your blog on Kristi I am so excited for you to have a little baby boy how fun! Congrats!! I agree with Kass on needing the swing and the bouncer and borrowing is a great thing.. You look like you are doing awesome I am glad my blog is Good to see you (Well your blog anyways :-) )...
Yea she posts. jk You want it from an expert okay just someone who has been there too many times. Quality and color are important when you are picking cribs not price. We have the same one Macee used lucky us they are all girls because I am not into white for a boy. None of you have to agree with me, just my opinion. I think it is a little feminine. I know you are having more than one child so get both. My kids love both all 3. When is the shower because things like bouncers and swings are great gifts from best friends. If you have to pick I would say a bouncer. They are great; easy to move around the house. They rock them to sleep and make feedings when still small a snap. I like to feed the baby sitting on the floor while playing with the kids or watching the tube. I am so happy for you. Such an amazing time.
Also if you are going to nurse you don't need to worry for a little bit he will be in a bassinet right next to you for a while. luvs
Wow you are getting so close! Yay! I would agree on quality, but if you can get a cute crib that is good quality for a decent price that's the best way to go. I think that the things I have spent the most money on seem to always be the things I regret buying- go figure! Good luck. Let us know what you end up getting for your little guy.
shelby! Hey! My sis in law Karrie told me you had a blog...but it was your store one and then somehow I got here. Anyway, loved glancing at your pics. And so baby is almost here...or maybe here????? I had my little boy in November....loving him to pieces.
And i love these cribs. We got a hand me down from someone...I painted it and it worked fine. But now that we won't be students anymore, I want a new one. If you haven't gotten one already, check out my fave....
I love the chair in that room too.
Good luck to you! And I wish I was there and could go to your yoga classes. I think it's what every mother needs. Tell your fam I said "hi".
Love ya!
Nicole (Pedersen)
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