7 lbs 3 ozs, 20 inches
A lucky 3 hour delivery
It is better then i ever thought it could be...
he is an angel baby... last night he went to bed at 11:00
and he finally let me wake him up at 5:00 am... then right
back to sleep after his feeding.
we can't stop staring at him...
he probably wonders who these weirdos are who are
always in his face as he wakes up...
i love being a mother
congrats! i have been waiting for pictures...brr says he's so cute and has tons of hair. glad he's a good baby-that makes being a new mom a little less shocking! and a 3 hour delivery? come on! luh-kee-duck!
Lucky woman. For me the no sleep is the hardest. Sounds like you have that one in the bag though. He is super cute!
sooo happy for you shelby! i can't wait to see him. also..my friend ann makes the cutest baby stuff and she wants to know if you'd want to carry it at soel. here's her etsy link if you want to see it. http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5526783
It doesn't look like an alien, which is odd for a baby. I was looking for some metrotastic clothing from soel and found your blog... When is a good time for us to home teach you? I joke.
the pictures are on now. obviously.
thanks everyone...
I'm already in LOVE with this boy!!! He's sooooo sweet. Can't wait to hold him.
Congrats!He is so beautiful...I love his hair.Your so lucky that he is a good sleeper.Good luck w/ everything.
Oh Shelby!!! Congratulations. What a beautiful baby! I'm sure you're going to be the best mom.
congrats he is so precious! You look great! I am so happy for you. Have fun...
Oh My! He's adorable, and you look great! Congrats, you're going to love this!
I am so glad you finally posted his pictures. I can't wait to hold him again. Owen you are so adorable. How is everything? Let me know if ou need anything. I have been meaning to call you. I know is it not the neatest thing to br a parent. I always wonder does everyone think there kids are as cute as I think the girls are? and they do. So happy for you all. luvs
So I suck at spelling can you figure it out?
He is a sweetie! Look at all that hair! Congratulations you guys! Can't wait to meet him! Love ya!
Congratulations! He is SO absolutely gorgeous! That hair is unbelievable. Eat him up while you can....they grow up way too fast.
yeah! i'm so glad to see pics of him... i had almost forgotten what he looked like. he is soooo cute. can't wait to see him again and you. i will be calling you soon. love ya!
Congrats Shelby! He is BEAUTIFUL!
shelby, he is beautiful
This little guy is so sweet, I need to come and spend more time with him, and you guys, I will be calling or knocking soon. He is such a beautiful little baby boy.
He is beautiful. Congrats!
shelb, will you send me your email address to peteandlindsey@gmail and so i can send you an invite to our blog! we just went private. congratulations, again :) you're a beautiful mom!
Congrats shelby!! He is beautiful and I cant believe that hair!! So cute!! Im still waiting for our little guy!! I hope I don't go over but knowing my luck I will!! :)
hI i am just missing you and Owen. So I wanted to get on and see him again. Call me when you come down again. Luvs
Guys. Last time I checked, having a baby doesn't give you a pass to never go to church again. If that was the case polygamists would be the least pious people ever... and we all know that's not the case.
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