owen really likes apples... every time we pass them at the grocery store he waves his arms owen style. he is cute.

typical outfit when jon is watching owen. they came to visit me at work. i love it. jon said owen did too. wouldn't stop smiling in the mirror...

i love this one. yes he has a little mole... but look at those buns!

sweet sweet owen...

jon looks so handsome.... so dang handsome...
Such a cute family. Owen is such a sweet little baby. I love when he visits us at work. It makes me happy.
Shelby - he is so cute. I love when he comes to visit at work, also. *smile* You're the best mom!
i don't think its possible he could get any cuter. seriously. and always so stylin. love the patagonia coat :)
this post made me homesick. i want to go to sundance right now and play. miss you tons.
i seriously can't handle how cute he is.
He's a doll Shelby! I'm diggin the headband.
biking and eating at sundance. i could really go for that now. we leave in a week! hope all is well.
Shelby, Owen and his sweatband and his buns are way too cute! Seriously, he is way too darling. I can't wait to see him soon!
Hey, at least the kid's fully clothed when his pops is on duty! Mine are always half naked running around in the street when their daddy's in charge. He is so beautiful Shelby! (the baby, that is, Jon isn't too bad himself.)
ahh baby owen....if i have a boy i hope he's as darling as you!! love you all!!
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