Tuesday, January 19, 2010


we were so lucky to go to california and enjoy some 75 degree weather.  owen was in HEAVEN. 
he could play all day at the beach.  so could we.  we were able to see some friends and enjoy some good food.  it was a really nice break.


Jill said...

i would like to go to the beach. how fun!

Morgan said...

Shelby, he is SO BIG! That is unreal to me. Miss you guys. Wish we lived close enough to each other hang out.

Kat said...

completely jealous - the weather looks beautiful. Owen is way cute.

Beeta said...

Such cute pics of little Owen! He's a good lookin' munchkin. Welcome back to the blogging world. Is this going to be a more regular thing now? I'm glad you had a good break at the beach. I want one!

Nicole said...

Owen is adorable. Fun to see you tonight. We should keep in touch more.