He is SO adorable...I cant believe he is 7.5 months time sure flies. I was in soel the other day but you were not there.. :( I loved your comment about me being pregnant again.. i laughed..
I cant believe it either but hey babies are so fun, so we are really excited now that the initial shock is over.
what a handsome and big boy! he is growing up:) how did you find my blog? that was a nice surprise!!! i wondered if you had one. i love being able to keep in touch better with people. thanks for finding me!
I can't believe how big he's getting! Super cute!
He is SO adorable...I cant believe he is 7.5 months time sure flies. I was in soel the other day but you were not there.. :( I loved your comment about me being pregnant again.. i laughed..
I cant believe it either but hey babies are so fun, so we are really excited now that the initial shock is over.
So cute! I can tell he misses me in that picture. I miss you too O.
what a handsome and big boy! he is growing up:) how did you find my blog? that was a nice surprise!!! i wondered if you had one. i love being able to keep in touch better with people. thanks for finding me!
he is such a beautiful child!
that owen is way too cute! oh how i wish i could stop by to hold him ... i really can't believe how fast it all goes by.
he is darling.
very cute
Aw! Look at the little man. Keep up the posts cause we sure miss you guys and love seeing pictures of your cute little family!
he really is so stinking cute shelb.
Holden just gave Owee a shout out. We both love him.
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